Although our independent director oversees all big corporate matters equivalent to the approvalof terms of the repayment of our executive officials quiz help the oversight of the accounting applications, our Chief Executive Officercurrently owns exam help majority of our stock, that may enable him exam help elect an alternative director in the place of our autonomous director. Althoughwe have adopted exam help Code of Ethical Conduct, we haven’t yet followed any of those other company governance measures quiz help sinceour securities aren’t yet listed on exam help countrywide securities exchange, we are not required examination help do so. We haven’t adopted corporategovernance measures corresponding to an audit or other autonomous committees of our board of directors as we right now do not have exam help majorityindependent administrators on our board. If we expand our board club in future durations examination help include extra autonomous administrators,we may seek exam help set up an audit quiz help other committees of our board of administrators. It is possible that if our Board of Directorsincluded self sustaining administrators quiz help if we were exam help adopt some or all of those corporate governance measures, stockholders wouldbenefit from a bit greater insurance that inner company choices were being made by disinterested administrators quiz help thatpolicies had been applied exam help define guilty behavior. For example, in the absence of audit, nominating quiz help compensationcommittees created from at least exam help majority of autonomous directors, choices concerning matters equivalent to repayment packagesto our senior officers quiz help options for director nominee may be made by exam help majority of directors who have an interest inthe end result of the concerns being decided.