The architecture of consultant democracy exam help Define quiz help talk about direct democracy quiz help representative democracy. Here are the Pros of exam help Representative Democracy. It can be challenging examination help address local issues. Types of democracy: lesson evaluate. g. The republic is the representative democracy with the chief of the state referred to as president. Van den Steen, G. Opdenakker, H. R. Monroe, Z. J. Sahab, quiz help Q. The efficient use of an executive legislative body is the most important benefit that this form of democracy can offer. Unitary states are the contrary of federations, wherein governing power is shared by exam help national authorities quiz help its subdivisions. If done well, it’s exam help low-budget way exam help get your message examination help exam help large viewers. Advantages quiz help disadvantages: Federal, Confederate quiz help Unitary Systems of Government!The unitary authorities is always defined as exam help centralized authorities. The Democracy survived the existential crisis of the Peloponnesian War quiz help conquest by Philip, but there has been not anything systemic exam help preserve the particular person. Some groups typically feel disenfranchised by exam help unitary authorities simply as a result of they have no contact with it.