Formative assessment is practice, quiz help Summative is the performance. Teachers will then protest If I dont count the worksheets quiz help assignments I give out, then they wont do it. If I were there, I would answer, You trying exam help cattle prod your scholars into doing work by giving leverage in the grade book in its place of specializing in the real problem Your students arent engaged. The focus might be on growing relevance, inquiry quiz help engagement in the Summative Assessments. While the Standards based grade book is assisting examination help ensure better coaching quiz help instruction, we want examination help make certain that fosters innovation in education. In basic. In the English for Today of class 6, the courses start with exam help stereotypical Look at the image type of endeavor. Below some examples of this are given:According exam help Hasan 2004, this variety of traditional activities makes the scholars as well as the teachers indifferent exam help the area. The same styles of stereotypical Talk about the picture activities are present in the books of categories 7 quiz help 8 which make the scholars bored. Hasan stated that during the textbooks of class 9 quiz help 10, the language items quiz help their applications are presented in isolation from the everyday happenings. More than that, the lives of rural Bangladesh is absent in the classes. Urban Bangladesh is highlighted in many of the courses.